What's New in Modern JavaScript

let versus var

var is quicksand

var cat = 'louis';
var i;

for (i = 1; (i <= 10); i++) {
  var cat = 'loopy cat #' + i;
console.log(cat); // cat #10, not louis!

let versus var

let: so scope-y fresh

let cat = 'louis';

for (let i = 1; (i <= 10); i++) {
  let cat = 'loopy cat #' + i;
 // louis the cat came back!

const makes you think

Sloppy reuse of variable

class Cat {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;
  pet() {
    console.log(this.name + ' purrs.');
let cat;

cat = new Cat('Louis');

cat = new Cat('SpySpy');
// I have to read the previous line
// to know which cat this refers to

// More than one Louis? Surely you jest!
cat = new Cat('Louis');

const makes you think

const: clear & safe

class Cat {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;
  pet() {
    console.log(this.name + ' purrs.');
const louis = new Cat('Louis');

const spyspy = new Cat('SpySpy');
// I know which cat this is right away

// ACHTUNG: this will NOT fail
louis.name = 'Some Other Kitty';

// ... But this will fail
louis = new Cat('Louis');

for...of for friendly loops

The old way: i am so tired of this

var cats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Pyro' ];

// In the bad old days
var i;
for (i = 0; (i < cats.length); i++) {

// IE11: the functional way is not terrible
cats.forEach(function(cat) {

for...of for friendly loops

The new way: for ... of is friendly and safe

const cats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Pyro' ];

for (const cat of cats) {

ES6 classes: prototypes without pain

The awkward way

function Cat(name) {
  this.name = name;

Cat.prototype.pet = function() {
  console.log(this.name + ' purrs.');

const louis = new Cat('Louis');

ES6 classes: prototypes without pain

The ES6 and normal programming languages way

class Cat {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;
  pet() {
    console.log(this.name + ' purrs.');

const louis = new Cat('Louis');

Arrow functions: functional programmer candy

The wordy way

const cats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy' ];
cats.forEach(function(cat) {
  console.log(`${cat} is a fine cat.`);

Arrow functions: functional programmer candy

The graceful way

const cats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy' ];
cats.forEach(cat => console.log(`${cat} is a fine cat.`));

Object literal shorthand: stop typing cat so much

Yo dawg, I heard you liked typing cat

const rateLimit = 2;
let pending = 0;
function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (pending >= rateLimit) {
      return reject('RATE LIMITED');
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
async function go() {
  const cat = 'Louis';
  console.log(await api('reverse', { cat: cat }));


Object literal shorthand: stop typing cat so much

One cat is nice, and will suffice

const rateLimit = 2;
let pending = 0;
function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (pending >= rateLimit) {
      return reject('RATE LIMITED');
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
async function go() {
  const cat = 'Louis';
  console.log(await api('reverse', { cat }));


...: give it a rest!

arguments: mmm, crunchy boilerplate

function send(recipient, message /* , message2, message3... */) {
  var messages = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  console.log(recipient + ', you have the following messages: ' +
    messages.join(', ')

send('Louis', 'meow', 'screech', 'purr');

...: give it a rest!

ellipsis is awesome

function send(recipient, ...messages) {
  console.log(recipient + ', you have the following messages: ' +
    messages.join(', ')

send('Louis', 'meow', 'screech', 'purr');

`: template strings are beautiful

blah + blech + more + blah: quit typing ticks

function send(recipient, ...messages) {
  const joined = messages.join(', ');
  console.log(recipient + ', you have the following messages: ' + joined);

send('Louis', 'meow', 'screech', 'purr');

`: template strings are beautiful

I ${love} backticks

function send(recipient, ...messages) {
  const joined = messages.join(', ');
  console.log(`${recipient}, you have the following messages: ${joined}`);

send('Louis', 'meow', 'screech', 'purr');

... returns: the object spread operator

The old way: default properties are a pain

function api(data) {
  // Make a new object, don't modify the input!
  const _data = {
    cat: data.cat || 'Louis',
    // Watch out for 0!
    priority: (data.priority !== undefined) ? data.priority : 1
  console.log('Our API would receive:', _data);

api({ cat: 'SpySpy' });
api({ cat: 'Felix', priority: 0 });
api({ cat: 'Sammy', priority: 100000 });

... returns: the object spread operator

... spreads like butter

function api(data) {
  const _data = {
    cat: 'Louis',
    priority: 1,
    // Pull in all the properties of data
  console.log('Our API would receive:', _data);

api({ cat: 'SpySpy' });
api({ cat: 'Felix', priority: 0 });
api({ cat: 'Sammy', priority: 100000 });

"Unspreading:" object literal assignment

The old way: geez I only wanted one thing

function getCatInfo() {
  return {
    name: 'Louis',
    age: 3,
    pets: 5000000000

const info = getCatInfo();

"Unspreading:" object literal assignment

Control yourself, take only what you need from it

function getCatInfo() {
  return {
    name: 'Louis',
    age: 3,
    pets: 5000000000

const { name } = getCatInfo();

"Unspreading" arguments, aka passing options by name (sort of)

The old way: our beloved options object

// Long comment documenting the options usually goes here

function send(recipient, options, ...messages) {
  if (options.style === 'terse') {
    console.log(`${recipient}: ${messages.join(', ')}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`${recipient}: ${messages.join('\r\n')}`);

send('Louis', { style: 'terse' },
  'Felix hissed at you', 'SpySpy hissed at you'

"Unspreading" arguments, aka passing options by name (sort of)

The new, self-documenting way

function send(recipient, { style }, ...messages) {
  if (style === 'terse') {
    console.log(`${recipient}: ${messages.join(', ')}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`${recipient}: ${messages.join('\r\n')}`);

send('Louis', { style: 'terse' }, 'Felix hissed at you', 'SpySpy hissed at you');

Default values for arguments

The old way: watch out for zero!

function speak(message) {
  if (message === undefined) {
    message = 'miaow';


Default values for arguments

The new way: ... just look at it

function speak(message = 'miaow') {


Accessing stuff that might not exist

The old way: walking on eggshells

const messages = [
    speaker: {
      name: 'Joe Smith',
      job: {
        title: 'Dentist'
    speaker: {
      name: 'Jane Doe'

messages.forEach(function(message) {
  console.log(`Job Title: ${message.speaker && message.speaker.job && message.speaker.job.title}`);

Accessing stuff that might not exist

The new way: optional chaining

const messages = [
    speaker: {
      name: 'Joe Smith',
      job: {
        title: 'Dentist'
    speaker: {
      name: 'Jane Doe'

for (const message of messages) {
  console.log(`Job Title: ${message?.speaker?.job?.title}`);

This one is more recent

Iterating over object properties and values

The old-ish (IE11) way

var data = {
  name: 'Louis',
  handsomeness: '10',
  orange: true

Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
  console.log(key + ': ' + data[key]);

Iterating over object properties and values

The new way: deconstructed galaxy brain

const data = {
  name: 'Louis',
  handsomeness: '10',
  orange: true

for (const [ key, value ] of Object.entries(data)) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);

Keeping only unique values in an array

The old, ugly way

var data = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Pyro', 'Louis' ];
console.log('Before: ' + data.join(', '));
var newData = [];
// OK in IE11
data.forEach(function(datum) {
  if (newData.indexOf(datum) === -1) {
console.log('After: ' + newData.join(', '));
// Who am I kidding, you'd probably use lodash

Keeping only unique values in an array

The new way: join the jet Set

const data = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Pyro', 'Louis' ];
console.log('Before: ' + data.join(', '));
let newData = [ ... new Set(data) ];
console.log('After: ' + newData.join(', '));
// Bye-bye lodash (for most use cases)

async/await: write normal-looking code with APIs!

The old way: thinking about promises all day

function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
// Reversing cats is very hard work,
// must call special remote API
api('reverse', { cat: 'Louis' }).then(function(reversed) {
  return api('reverse', { cat: 'SpySpy' });
}).then(function(reversed) {
  return api('reverse', { cat: 'Sammy' });
}).then(function(reversed) {
}).catch(function(err) {
  // Call the vet

async/await: write normal-looking code with APIs!

The readable way

function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
async function go() {
  console.log(await api('reverse', { cat: 'Louis' }));
  console.log(await api('reverse', { cat: 'SpySpy' }));
  console.log(await api('reverse', { cat: 'Sammy' }));


async/await: meet for...of, your new BFF

The old way: smash into that API rate limit!

const rateLimit = 2;
let pending = 0;
function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (pending >= rateLimit) {
      return reject('RATE LIMITED');
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
// works
const twoCats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy' ];
  twoCats.map(cat => api('reverse', { cat: cat }))
).then(reversed => {
  // hits the rate limit
  const threeCats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Sammy' ];
  return Promise.all(
    threeCats.map(cat => api('reverse', { cat: cat }))
}).then(reversed => {
}).catch(e => {
  console.log(`Call the vet! ${e}`);

async/await: meet for...of, your new BFF

One at a time with for...of

const rateLimit = 2;
let pending = 0;
function api(action, data) {
  // Asynchronous, like a real API call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (pending >= rateLimit) {
      return reject('RATE LIMITED');
    setTimeout(() => {
      let reversed = '';
      for (let i = (data.cat.length - 1); (i >= 0); i--) {
        reversed += data.cat.charAt(i);
    }, 500);
async function go() {
  const threeCats = [ 'Louis', 'SpySpy', 'Sammy' ];
  // Note: this trick does not work with forEach
  for (const cat of threeCats) {
    // OMG SO... NORMAL
    console.log(await api('reverse', { cat: cat }));


Thank You